Thursday, March 11, 2010

Whats the Matta wit You?

Hi Peeps.. Im just about heading to bed and came across my blog and figured I would write some new shit.  So whats on my mind tonight? Hmm not a whole lot. I have finally moved from the prison my mind and feelings had put me through for the last year.  It was pretty crazy. One day I just woke up went to work and was like wow I feel great Im not in jail anymore I finally broke out. 

You ever think to yourself if their is really luck out there? Like are some poeple luckier then others? I think so I think it also helps when your in the right place at the right time. Im neither. I really sometimes I think Im very unlucky and not really ever in the right place at the right time. One day I think I will be and that should be cool.

I started writing down goals for myself that I wanted to accomplish but really havent gone anywhere yet trying to accpmplish them. I think one of my goals should be to accomplish my goals.. 

Well I m going to bed I have a big day of answering the phone and sitting in front of a computer. Another day living the fucking dream of life and the real world.

Monday, November 16, 2009


How many people do you think are out there that are brainwashed and dont really know it. Some people say its love, or friendship or whatever but I think its brainwashing. So Im watching this True Story on MTV of I cant break up with my boyfriend (which i never watch ) and it got me thinking of these people can sit back and watch themselves on tv what would they think??  

These guys are treating them like shit and they dont even know it. They are like Oh maybe he will change or oh thats just the way he is.  Its pretty ridiculous how brainwashed these girls are and how they cant snap out of it. You just want to yell in their faces wake the fuck up girl your an idiot.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It will eat you up inside

You ever have something important to tell someone but couldn't do it because you know the outcome of what you say is going to be bad. So you just don't tell them and its eat you up inside for months even years.  So whats the right thing to do for yourself? Do you tell that person what eating you up inside? Or just let it be, let it go, and regret it 20 years from now.  I think you let it go, try to get over with it and move on.  Especially if you know its going to turn out a disaster. No need to put yourself threw the blender. 

I might not be making sense to anyone but whatever no one reads my shit and im not looking for advice i just need to get it off my chest.

You ever want to take someone by the head and knock some sense into them because you know deep down inside that they need to wake up and smell the coffee but couldnt do it because they have to do it for themselves. 

Ive come to the conclusion that you cant change the way somebody feels about something. The only thing you have control over is the way you feel, act and do. I think our whole lives we try to act a certain way to get other people to feel certain things about you but in the long run you have no control over how they feel.  You have to start worrying about how you feel and act and nobody else. Be true to yourself, take care of yourself financially, health, and family and thats all you can really do. 

So if your that person and your reading my blog right now..just know this I have something important to tell you but I never will and I want to knock some sense into you but wont do that either.  Your move..

Ona  funny note i got something else i have to get off my chest while im writing this blog. Whats up with gym locker rooms? I understand its a place for guys to change, shower and such but is it necessary for 90 year old men to blow dry their hair butt fucking naked. Would it be that hard to get a towel or underwear. 

Have a goodnight everyone

Monday, June 15, 2009

Corporate World is Evil

Well Heeeelllllloooooo.. You know what I was just thinking about. How fucked up the corporate world is. When your going through college the whole time your thinking wow I cant wait to get out and get a job in the "real world" and be an adult and all this shit.  I say fuck all that shit. I wish I could have went to college till i was 65 and then retired. The corporate world is a fucking nightmare. It doesnt matter how good you do in a job. The evil empires always want more. More sales more number more money. They are this big greedy bunch of fuck faces who sit around in their fucking suits drumming up more ways to suck money out of people, and businesses. They dont care about employees, people or anything. All they care about is the number at the end of the month and how to make more of it.

I think they should come out with another Superman or Batman movie where they are fighting corporate america. I dont think that they would need Krupyonite. I think corporate America would probably kill Clark Kent without him having to become Superman. The Daily Planet looks evil. Bruce Wayne on the other hand is corporate America fuck him too.  

well im off to bed.. not a real winner of a blog tonight but its something 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's been awhile

Im not really sure why Im still up but tonight I felt the need to put my headphones on listen to some of my music and write away. It still doesnt feel like anyone does read my shit but I really don't care. I dont update my facebook status or go around telling everyone to read my blog. I write this shit down for myself. Its a way for me to vent out some shit kind of like how Doogie Howser used to do at the end of every episode.  

Lately I have been asking myself a lot why stuff comes easier to other people and not me. Why some people can find love easy or find jobs that they love easy and other have a hard time.  It's amazing how some people can go through life and just coast through it and there are others who have to work their asses off to find themselves in the same situation.  For example pro sports is a good example.  There NBA players like Dwayne Wade who came from nothing. Abusive parents in the hood in IL. And now is a superstar.  Dwayne Wade does not drink or party he has seen what stuff like that could do to people.  I have seen what that stuff can do people.  And then there kids like Luke Walton who were born into it had all the resources to do it and they are in the same situation.

I was going to go at this blog a different route but I want to to talk about something different. I want to talk about alcohol.  To me there is something evil in alcohol.  Alcohol makes people do things that sometimes I just sit back and say what the fuck are they doing.  They take things for granted. They think that since they already have it or them that they can just do whatever they want with no repercussions.  Alcohol makes people feel good it takes them out of the real world for a few hours or days (depending on how much you drink) and puts them in a alternate universe where their problems go away.  Im not saying I have never gotten drunk but when you get drunk and start hurting people cause your drunk you care about is where I draw the line. If someone needs to go out 3,4,5 times a week. They are trying to escape from their lives instead of trying to make things better.  How bout instead of going out why don't you try to fix your problems or realize what you have in front of you cause there are probably many people who would love to have what you have.  

I heard a quote yesterday it was something like "Instead of trying so hard to get what you don't have you should stop and look what you do have."  Please stop and look what you do have cause one day when you so stop its not going to be there anymore and your gonna regret it for the rest of your life.  

Not to change the topic but this is my blog so fuck off.  I never realized how greedy and backstabbing people can be. I guess corporate America will wake you up to that.  But sometimes it can be really frustrating if everyday you really don;t know who to trust. You feel like your watching your back all the time. I do believe money is the root of all evil till this day.
I don't believe that anymore I feel you need money to live. House, car phone stuff you need to live comfortably. I dont believe you need millions of dollars to be happy in life. I feel everyone is different in what they need to be happy. For me to be happy I need to be able to fufill those needs. I need a job that I like going to do and to be surrounded by loving people. Well That enough for me Im tired..

Friday, September 26, 2008

Not sure what people think sometimes

Now Im still not really sure if people read my blog but I get a kick out of reading my own blogs so I will write whenever I want too it could be once every five months or three times a week.. Whatever

Here is my new thought of the night. Its relationships.. Now im not ana expert by any means on this topic but here is my thought that I want to get off my chest. Can somebody really say anything they really want to a significant other, treat them terribly, be a raving, belligerent aasshole to everybody and then be forgiven like the next day? Are people really blind to see the true self in somebody or is it really all about looks, and money? I dont think I could ever be like that to somebody I love. At least I hope not. If I ever see myself acting like that to a girl that I love I will dump myself.  Its funny you see I have never been the relationship type guy. But I have been sitting on the bench for so long watching and studying other peoples relationships that I am like, Steve Young, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers waiting on the bench studying and watching so when it is my time to go in I will be the best person I could be.  When you get thrown in like Leinert, Vince Young etc you can get burned easy.

I think people, girls especially, need to wake up and realize that they dont deserve to be treated like pieces of shit because their significant other feels like doing it. They need to fucking man up and be confident, and learn how to stick up for themselves. There is nothing more unnattractive then a girl who cant stick up for themselves. I have met so many good looking souless girls in my day that sometimes I realize that good looks can be a curse if you dont know how to handle being good looking.  If your looks control you they will turn your soul black.  What I mean by black is not having any control over your own emotions. People influence your decisions.. You are always worried about what you look like, what your going to say, and can never be yourslef because your looks become your personality and your original self gets lost in your looks.  

Why is it that you alsways see great looks woman driving expensive cars?? Is is because they went to college and worked their ass off to get it..? Maybe some accomplished woman have done it this way. But alot of other woman just marry guys with lots of money. They look and go for the money so they can feel like they they have accomplished something and have bragging rights for their friends.  well that is it for now Im going to bed 

Friday, June 27, 2008

Enterprise.. We will pick you up.. use you and then throw you away

Wow so where do I begin I dont even remember the last time i wrote a blog..

I want to talk about the job market.. The job market is terrible and Im not gonna sit here and blame W Bush or the american economy or what not. Im gonna blame Corporate America. It seems kids are more likely to get jobs out of college when they know somebody. Jobs that are hiring right out of college are really to be weary of. Companies like Enterprise Rent-a-Car and these scam marketing companies looking for young enthuastic hard working kids. These jobs and companies are scams.. Enterprise makes you work 11-12 hour days with hardly bullshit for pay making you sell scam insurance to a ungrateful, fuck heads of customers. With this fucking pipe dream of one day getting promoted.. to a manger who makes not too much more money and has a ton more responsibilty.

Then they have these scam marketing companies like Scanno Advertising, and the Alliance Executive Group who call young college kids promising them these great opportunties and then they make you go door to door sales seliing sports marketing brochures..

What a fucking joke its hard enough for us to find good jobs and now we have to look out for these sports scam advertising companies.. Its so bullshit.. Oh yeah I also love the interview proccess with some companies.. They make you go to like 4 interviews asking you the same fucking excact questions as the interviews before with the same people.. Sometime I think these companies know if they are hiring you from the first five minutes of meeting you. Kind of like how girls make their minds within the first five minutes of metting you if they aere going to have sex with you